Virginia 4-H Military Clubs
Source: 2015 4-H Military Partnership Grant
Military 4-H Partnerships are supported by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Institute of Food and Agriculture, 4-H Headquarters; U.S. Army Child, Youth and School Services; U.S. Air Force Child and Youth Programs; U.S. Navy Child and Youth Programs; and Virginia Cooperative Extension 4-H Program (Virginia Tech and Virginia State University) through grant funding at Kansas State University.
The purpose of this grant is to provide support to state and county 4-H Extension programs and professionals working with military staff (Army, Air Force, Navy, National Guard, and Reserve) to establish 4-H Clubs and provide 4-H opportunities on military installations and increase 4-H participation by National Guard and Reserve and other geographically-dispersed military connected youth in communities where they live.
The intent is to have youth from military families officially enrolled in chartered 4-H Clubs, ensuring them access to all 4-H programs, activities, and opportunities at the county, state, and national levels.
Virginia 4-H Military Clubs © 2013