Virginia 4-H Military Clubs

For Parents

Parents As Volunteers

Join 4-H with your youth.  Families involved with 4-H report they work better 
together developing communication skills, setting goals, and experiencing
family-wide learning opportunities.

As a 4-H Volunteer, you can . . .    

Develop and support community service opportunities for youth to make a difference in their communities.     

Teach youth using research-based university curricula.    

Work with other adults to create fun, new programs for youth.     

Share your expertise to provide learning opportunities as varied as rocketry, GPS, mapping, public speaking, agriculture science, photography, community service, and so much more.

A recent survey of 4-H parents revealed:           

75% were willing to help with 4-H             

Between 12% - 50% were actively helping             

Most common reason given for non-involvement:              "Nobody asked me."                         

-Mississippi State University Extension Service Survey

Learn more about volunteer opportunities:
Contact your local
Virginia Cooperative Extension Office for more information.

Military 4-H Partnerships are supported by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Institute of Food and Agriculture, 4-H Headquarters; U.S. Army Child, Youth and School Services; U.S. Air Force Child and Youth Programs; U.S. Navy Child and Youth Programs; and Virginia Cooperative Extension 4-H Program (Virginia Tech and Virginia State University) through grant funding at Kansas State University.