Virginia 4-H Military Clubs
(Ideas submitted by center staff)
Military 4-H Partnerships are supported by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Institute of Food and Agriculture, 4-H Headquarters; U.S. Army Child, Youth and School Services; U.S. Air Force Child and Youth Programs; U.S. Navy Child and Youth Programs; and Virginia Cooperative Extension 4-H Program (Virginia Tech and Virginia State University) through grant funding at Kansas State University.
Feature Different Activities Each Day of the Month: Activities could include: kick-off day, International Children's Book Day, American Circus Day, Walk Around Things Day, World Health Day - Healthy Alternatives, Draw a Bird Day - Embryology Check, Stress Awareness Day, cookout, Purple - Up for Military Kids Day, International Dance Day and more.
4-H/ Military Collaboration: Have club members promote the 4-H/Military collaboration by setting up displays, conducting sample 4-H projects, and displaying scrapbooks.
Assist with Carnival Games: Have 4-H Military Club members assist with conducting their Month of the Military Child Family Carnival.
Spirit Month: Youth can select to have a special dress-up for each day of the month, a barbeque, 80's skate party, various field trips, or swimming. Other choices may be identified.
Purple Up: 4-H Military Club members could will help make flyers on upcoming events and post throughout the facility. They could also participate in a Month of the Military Child Parade and celebrate Purple Up!
Camouflage Blankets: Have a group of the kids to make purple camouflage blankets.
Virginia 4-H Military Clubs © 2013